Austin Remote IO

Remote operations. Edge enabled.

DAQrIO: Portable Data Acquisition and Edge Control Module

Next generation IIoT Ready, Edge DAQ & Control module that permits easy data retrieval from multiple sensors in industrial or remote field locations. Datasheet


ModRiO: Modbus Simulator

Modbus simulator. Datasheet


RTRiO: Integrated PLC & Edge Gateway with Multi-Channel IO

Real-Time, IIoT Ready PLC with Edge Gateway for process critical management in industrial or remote field locations. Datasheet


PumpRiO: Multi-Line Pump w/PLC based control and Edge Gateway

Portable, Real-Time, Multi-Line Pump system with PLC & Edge Gateway for use in industrial or remote field locations. Datasheet


Any questions? Contact us.

We are looking forward to hearing from you. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!